Last Day Of 2024


This year has been filled with many surprises both good and not so good. Life changed in a matter of months, and I neglected my blog for quite some time. After April, everything changed. We sold my childhood home, which was one of the most difficult things to do. It was something that had to be done, but it was a bittersweet farewell. I grew up in this home and lived there most of my life. I cried and was pretty stressed out about the whole thing. When my mom passed away in November of 2023, everything felt unreal. Come to think of it, it still feels unreal. We had a celebration of life for her in April, after that we sold the house, moved into a new apartment (which is really cute and small), in late June, and now having been so adjusted to a new place, the old one seems like it was all just a dream. All these changes within the first six months of 2024.

I did have a chance to work on an incredible 8 animal order, and that took a little time. I had a few interesting life experiences that taught me the value or trust and reality. I am grateful for it though. Sometimes life throws you curveballs to make you realize what you really need. I met a friend; a neighbor who is about the same age my mother was. She reminds me of my mom and treats me like I was one of her own. She’s really sweet. I also found out she lived on the same street I grew up on. Small world! She may not live here for long, however. I will miss her when she moves. She does love my crochet creations and encourages me to create more. I’ll have to share more about her in the coming year.

As we leave 2024, I have to say that it has been a great lesson learner, I’ve learned who I want to be and who I don’t want to be. I’ve realized what a blessing it is just to wake up each day and try again. This year was full of blessings as well. A new quiet and peaceful place to live, better finances, new friends, experiences that changed my life for the better. Creative endeavors that challenged me. I’m happy, and sad at the same time but also grateful for everything. As in that one movie from the early  80s , Ferris Bueller’s Day Off: “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it”. I missed many things but for 2025, I will be sure to stop and look around, because life does move pretty fast, and we only have so much time to enjoy it. I wish all of you a very Happy New Year, and an AMAZING 2025!


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