First Crochet Project Of 2024!

Life And Memories

Happy New Year!! I know, about 2 weeks late, but we are still in January, so it counts! With the new year already here, I already crocheted my first project of 2024. It’s actually a really fun Valentine’s Day hat by Sarah Zimmerman of Repeat Crafter Me! The pattern is called Crochet Hearts in a Row Striped Hat. I really enjoyed making this hat, it’s fun and easy to make and it looks so cute when finished! If you haven’t made this free pattern, you should! I will definitely be making more!

So, question. Has anyone made any New Year resolutions? If so, did you or are you following them or do you discard them after 2 weeks? In my case, I don’t exactly believe in New Year resolutions, at least not the kind where people say “New Year, New Me”, or “I will go to the gym 5 days a week”, or I will stop procrastinating”. Those, don’t always work, at least in my opinion. I’m not doubting those who can keep these resolutions. If you can, then more kudos to you. You are an amazing person to be able to do this.

The way I see it, is by having a better mindset. We all go through things in life that change us, mine was the loss of my mother in November of 2023. It happened so close to my birthday, that although it was bittersweet, it just didn’t feel the same anymore. My mother was my best friend, she understood me better than anyone, and my heart is truly broken. So if I make any “resolutions” this year, it’s simply to have a better mindset. Each day is a gift, and each moment is a blessing, and simply waking up each day, is a miracle. This is how I see things now since her passing.

So what does all of this have to do with arts and crafts? Arts and crafts have the power to heal or at least to calm mental health issues. Crocheting keeps hands busy and your mind focused on the task at hand, as with any craft or fiber art. When I was a kid my mother loved crafting, she loved felting items and creating ornaments for the Christmas tree. She also loved to cross-stitch, and crochet. When I got older and started on my own crafting journey, I asked her why she did so many crafts, why did she save so many things. Her reply to me was “It keeps your mind working, and it keeps you from forgetting.” As she would say “Remember to Remember”.

I was never into crafts, and I did often make fun of my mother for it, but not in spite. I was in awe with everything she created, and I truly miss seeing her create. Sadly as years went on, she developed dementia, and of course everything changed. She never remembered crafting, or creating, but was always happy to see me create and craft. So this is why it’s important to be creative, so that your mind can always be aware. To craft is to create and to create is to become and to become is to show the world what you can do.

Growing up, my first craft was music. Singing, writing, dancing, theater, and sewing costumes. Now, I crochet, knit, loom and cross stitch. Life is literally an artform. So make sure that this year and beyond, you create the best version of you, create art, create and help others, and always be kind, because tomorrow is never promised. So just make today a good day. Remember that waking up is literally a blessing and a miracle. Go forth and create, share, and may 2024 be an incredible year for all of us! Blessed be, dear friends!

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